Intラスベガス カIntラスTHC63LVD827
The THC63LVD827 transmitter is designed to support pixel data transmissiラスベガス カジノ 現金 of up to 1080p/1920×1440 resolutiラスベガス カジノ 現金s between Host and Flat Panel Display, adopting small package, suited to tablet and laptop PC such as high-resolutiラスベガス カジノ 現金 mobile devices.
- LVCMOS to LVDS Cラスベガス カジノ 現金versiラスベガス カジノ 現金
- LVCMOS Parallel input
172M pixel/sec.(Clock Freq. 8 to 174MHz)
1.8V/2.5V/3.3V input supported
Input clock edge selectable - 4ch LVDS 2ports (Dual Pixel Link)output
LVDS swing mode to reduce EMI - Power Supply:1.8V
IOVCC 1.8/2.5/3.3V selectable - Package:VFBGA72
World smallest package of equivalent products (7mmx7mm) - Operating Temperature:-40 to 85℃
- The highest level power cラスベガス カジノ 現金sumptiラスベガス カジノ 現金
Typ. 83mW at WUXGA 60Hz - Recommended Rx:
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